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Return from Beijing
The European Union, like its Member States, cannot abstain from maintaining the necessary dialogue with China. In the 21st century one cannot ignore a quarter of the world’s population. Contacts must be organised in a responsible way because the balance of international relations depends...
Anglo-European "Entente Amicale"
The French President's visit to London may very well herald the UK's comeback into the European fold. Signals sent out over the last few days from one side of the Channel to the other are evidence of developments that have taken place over the last few years. The Iraq War, 11th September 2001, the...
The lessons of Chad for Europe
The Slovenian EU Presidency has just expressed "...its appreciation to France for all its efforts, and for the efficient evacuation of European citizens from Chad". For the first time a member state of the Union, France, had successfully carried out the task defined by the Council of the...
Really good news
The truly convinced Europeans amongst us might very well feel slightly depressed at the agreement that was reached at the European Council in that it was not more ambitious. Those who have not understood that we are talking of a unique Union of countries who want to decide together were probably...