Europe and its doubtsUndeniably Europe will have to rise to many major challenges over the next few months.
The first of these is security: never since 1950 has Europe been brought into question like this. We have forgotten, as a member of the world, that we cannot escape major geopolitical developments. And we have...
Is Europe at War ?The President of the French Republic declared that France was at war and invoked article 42 § 7 of the Treaty on European Union. The Member States “shall have towards it an obligation of aid and assistance by all the means in their power”
However, no European leader has wanted to...
Mourning and HopeThe overwhelming emotion caused by the terrorist attacks in Paris is an obligation.
Our thoughts immediately go to the innocent victims, but also to the first of these: the idea of a civilised world.The negation of the lives of others and of one's own existence is the absolute crime. Nothing can...
Europe and Migration: rising to the challengeThe public outcry caused by the images showing the extreme distress of migrants crossing the Mediterranean has succeeded at least in reminding Europeans that asylum is, first and foremost, a right that is part of their fundamental texts and that it is the result of a moral duty. The surge of...