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France, Germany: a crucial meeting
Never has Germany and France's responsibility for Europe been on the line as it is now. The States of Europe are being drawn towards extremes and with their domestic debate in turmoil, traditional politics lies in tatters. Built with the aim of reconciling those against whom all the odds were...
Europe : The Proof of Strength
The European Union is the opposite of an empire. Built against the use of force on the continent it has perfectly succeeded in appeasing and civilising to the point that many Europeans now have a real aversion to it. But the world has not developed everywhere in the same way as Europe, neither have...
Europe: Macron's lesson
It is not by chance that Emmanuel Macron is being received in the USA as the leader of Europe. Since his election a year ago, which saved France from a populist catastrophe that others have not been able to deflect, he has constantly offered the old continent the vital leap forward that it needs....
France, Europe's troublemaker?
Political Europe seems to have come to a standstill. The most recent European Council illustrated this. It is having trouble in making decisions. Elections succeed one another, after which coalitions force, extremes impede the situation and the traditional parties are suffering a lot. And yet...