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The European Union’s second chance
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] The first half of the twentieth century was one of war and disaster for Europeans. The second half was one of reconstruction through peace and stability. The construction of Europe has given the member states the prosperity that their mistakes...
2023, a year of challenges for Europe
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] It is customary to say that "Europe is at a turning point". However, we shouldn't panic: it has existed now for 73 years! But it is no less true that the challenges facing Europe in recent times have been particularly existential in...
Europe needs a new investment plan
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] Instead of complaining about the measures taken by the United States to support investment in new clean technologies, Europeans would do better to come up with an identical plan. Faced with an energy crisis that began long before the war in...
Protecting Europe
[This editorial is also available in Ukrainian.] Ukraine's probable victory in repelling Russian aggression does not, however, make Europe immune to further attempts at destabilisation or even outright aggression. Putin's Russia is indeed an enemy and it will take time and a lot of change in that...