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60 years of Europe
On 9th May 1950 Robert Schuman offered Europe the means to peace and prosperity at the cost of what we might call today "a strategic break." Uniting "the warring continent" seemed impossible. Offering the possibility of uniting it was an audacious dream. 60 years later thanks...
Europe, the Crisis and Spending
The seriousness of the situation must not be underestimated. The financial markets no longer have any confidence in the ability of some European States to pay back their debts. The present financial crisis is primarily one of public indebtedness. It culminates in 78.7% in the euro area -...
Europe, victim of the principle of precaution
Damages are expected to rise beyond those incurred by the 9/11 terrorist attacks in 2001.  The four day ban on air transport in Europe has disrupted life and the movement of several million people and has already cost more than one billion euros - it is also the cause of doubt with regard...
In mourning with Poland
On the same site as the Katyn massacre, which witnessed in 1940 the deaths of many of the Polish elite, Poland is, once more, cruelly struck by a plane crash that caused the death of the president along with many of its political and military leaders. Three days after the notable gesture of Russia,...