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As we face the nightmare
The invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army is a senseless criminal act that no one could reasonably foresee. Such a violation of its signature by a permanent member of the UN Security Council was previously unthinkable. Such an array of lies, duplicity and denials in no way befits the behaviour...
How to stop the war?
Putin has brought war back to Europe. He has used the customary weapons of dictators: revisionism, lies, nationalism and force. Europe knows what they are and has had to face them in the past. The Sudetenlanders of yesterday are the Ukrainians of today. Europeans have learned from their history...
The Robert Schuman Foundation is Thirty Today!
A few months after the fall of the Berlin Wall, a number of key figures created the Robert Schuman Foundation. Poher, Lecanuet, Barre, Monory, François-Poncet, Albert, Villepin, Rigaud, Jung, Seitlinger, these were the names of those who had been involved in the return of democracy to...
The rush to the oceans
Environmental awareness has had the virtue of revealing to the greatest number that our planet is blue, essentially made up of salt water. As a result, a wide variety of calls to protect the oceans are growing, from professionals, experts, governments and others... This rush and late enthusiasm is...