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A Disappointing Start to the Lisbon Treaty
The Lisbon Treaty came into force on 1st December 2009. Since then discouraging international events have been accumulating against Europe. The Copenhagen Conference truly was a humiliation. The final minimum agreement was written between other Powers, excluding Europe. This demonstrates that...
Lessons of Copenhagen
Multilateralism is easier to advocate than implement. Although it is what Europe wants, this is not so certain for the UN. The conference in Copenhagen on climate provided a paltry image of the international community, a truly virtual notion. Was it really necessary to convene the...
Copenhagen, the apprenticeship in wielding power
Undeniably Europe has influenced the preparation work for the conference in Copenhagen. By adopting the severest environmental standards the European Union has set the example and compelled the major world players to take steps they had not planned on taking. Its unity, which is often lacking,...
Vaira Vike-Freiberga for President !
Vaira Vike-Freiberga is the only woman running for the position of President of the European Council appointed by the Heads of Government. She is both a symbol and the most qualified person for this difficult function that emerged with the Lisbon Treaty. The personification of European culture...