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Really good news
The truly convinced Europeans amongst us might very well feel slightly depressed at the agreement that was reached at the European Council in that it was not more ambitious. Those who have not understood that we are talking of a unique Union of countries who want to decide together were probably...
Berlin : a wonderful text
That the 27 States have adopted a common declaration recalling that they do not intend to face the major challenges of the century other than together is unprecedented. That they agree on the fundamental principles of their actions: human rights, equality between men and women, economic success...
The President's first day
The new President of the French Republic will take office on 16th May 2007 and above all this will be a European day. The German Chancellor will be the first to congratulate him or her during the evening of 6th May and to ask him or her to receive her. She will be in Paris the following the first...
European Constitution
Insert or cut? Forging ahead or lagging behind?  On 26th January the 18 countries which have already ratified the European Constitutional Treaty met to give voice to and defend their choice. There is now little doubt in Europe - including on the part of those who said "no" to...