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Europe facing the crisis : let's have another shot...
The extraordinary European Council meeting on March 1st that looked into the measures to take to fight against the crisis has left us with a bitter after taste. Technical measures were prepared and this is a good thing. We know that Mr Larosière's report on European financial supervision...
European Solidarity under test
Barack Obama gained approval for his economic recovery plan: 620 billion euros ie 6% of the GDP. The Chinese have committed 460 billion ie 7%. The European plans added together have difficulty in rising to 280 billion, ie 1% of the GDP. The European response to the crisis is inadequate. Everyone...
Buy European
Governments must take urgent action to counter the serious economic crisis we are facing. This is a time when several European policies are being put to the test. Monetary policy, which has been criticised for many years is now unanimously saluted. It can even be said that the European Central...
Winning the European Elections
Preparation for the European elections is now actively underway on the part of the 27 Member States. During the French Presidency of the European Union Nicolas Sarkozy implemented an extremely political approach to Europe that was both the source of interest and praise. Will this momentum...